You can’t be done with stuck if you don’t know WHY you’re stuck.

Feeling “stuck” feels like the default status for many of us spiritually, relationally, and behaviorally.

Our biblically-based, trauma-informed Roadmap will get you beneath the surface of your issues so God can repair the damage and live free.

Anxiety isn’t a problem to be solved: it’s a message to decode.

Discover what the Bible REALLY has to say about anxiety and other big, negative emotions AND what the most reliable neuroscience has discovered about what it’s trying to tell us.

Pastors need a safe place to get to the bottom of their junk.

Navigate whatever has you stuck with no judgment, people who understand the challenges of ministry, and a coach to accelerate your growth.

Renew your mind & break free from toxic thoughts.

You don’t have to stay fragile, self-protective, or ashamed. Complete a 63-day Neurocycle with personalized, expert help, and find the joy and empowerment you were created for.

Lvfe life on a full tank with your deepest needs met using your free Recovery Rhythms Guide

A life of joy and purpose is not about simply performing better in moments of crisis or need. It’s about preparing better before they happen. 

Let’s level up your ministry — together.

We all get stuck in the grind of ministry, which is exactly why we need each other so much. By working together, you can rise above the day-to-day and get the perspective you need.

Here are some ideas of what we might work on together:

✅ Trauma-Informed Discipleship Training
✅ Groups Systems and Strategies
✅ Team Dynamics and Health

✅ Pastoral Care Teams and Structure
✅ Assimilation & Engagement Pathways
✅ Database Management & Digital Tools

Hi, I’m Tommy!

I never had any intention of being in ministry. Jesus found me at 17 and after 6 years figuring out what in the world that meant, Lauren and I packed everything we could into a Honda Civic and drove to Ventura CA for a 9-month residency at Mission Church to see if serving a church might be somewhere in our plans. Eight unexpected and wonderful years later, we were tearing ourselves away from the church we loved with all our hearts to live the next season of our lives alongside family in Tennessee.

We got to Mission just two years after it had been planted, and it was a constant thrill ride as we navigated tectonic shifts growing from a church of 300 to a church of 2,000. After 9 months in Creative Arts and Worship, I transitioned to Groups Director, picked up new guest connections and assimilation soon after, and then assumed pastoral care.

Along the way I was able to go through Activator Training and Leadership Development Training with Intentional Churches, become a Certified Grief Educator by David Kessler and, serve as a guest contributor for the Small Group Network blog and podcast, and was trained as a Relapse Prevention Coach by The Genesis Process.

And I’m Lauren!

In 2022 I became one of Dr. Caroline Leaf’s first 30 Certified Neurocycle Facilitators. Now I guide clients through this transformational 63-day program as they re-conceptualize their most damaging toxic thoughts.

My world is church and always has been. The church is my family, and I can see its downfall and its shadow sides. But just as if the church were my sister… I can make fun of her - but if you do, then I’ll defend her to the death.

My grandparents gave their lives to so many in ministry. When I was hospitalized at age 5, those churches sent me cards, gifts and prayers. My parents worked my whole childhood to change the culture of our church from “Insiders Only” to “Come As You Are”. This church taught me to love, sent me around the world, and sent me off to college with an open mindset.