A discipleship system that unlocks the potential of your church.

The Belief Repair System will help your people clear spiritual blockage, fully realize their identity in Christ, and thrive within your church.

Are we missing the heart of discipleship?

The Bible has always said our problems always start in the heart - and modern brain science paired with the best of psychological research have helped us see that the Bible was even more right than we knew.

Life in a broken world leaves us with heart-level damage—distorted views of ourselves, God, and others. Until that damage is repaired, Corrupted Beliefs will keep crowding out the truth of Jesus and causing problems.

Unexpected Drifting

Burning Out

Crisis Looping

Corrupted Beliefs

Never Connecting

Hiding Struggles

Faith Deconstruction

“Guard your heart—for everything you do flows from it.” [Psalm 4:23]
If that’s true, then why are the solutions for all of these common problems focused on the symptoms instead of the true root cause?

Program-discipleship keeps coming up short and leaving our people wanting.

❌ Too infrequent, stuck in seasonal launches
❌ Managing supply/demand is a nightmare
❌ They always end before the work is done
❌ Option overload freezes people

But systems thrive where programs fall short.

✅ Powered by autonomous, energetic helpers
✅ Create behaviors & cement culture
✅ Adapt to individual needs & new seasons
✅ Gain momentum & grow exponentially

What makes this system work?

The Belief Repair System is designed to expose and repair people’s Corrupted Beliefs without weighing down existing ministries

No Promo

invitation-only system needs no stage time, email space, or calendar events


agile and flexible micro-group mentorship means people don’t wait for fall/spring launches

Low Risk,
High Reward

doesn’t replace or compete with existing ministries, and is designed to make them better


“secret menu” mindset teaches a personal, energetic, creative culture that’s owned by the people—not the institution


securely connects people using existing pathways and prepares them for long-lasting participation


bypasses the symptoms and guides toward root issues, creating common language church-wide

How does this system

actually work?

Strategic invitations to
“Choose the Wilderness,”
travel with a few,
and land in lasting connection

Let’s break it down
one piece at a time:

Strategic invitations to
“Choose the Wilderness,”
travel with a few,
and land in lasting connection.

The window of opportunity for people to plumb the depths of their heart is usually short—we have to strike while the iron is hot and the pain is present.

We’ll train staff, team leaders, group hosts, and anyone else with influence as a Scout, equipped to recognize Opportune Moments (like post-crisis, baptism, confession of struggle, and leadership development) or to make that strategic invitation.

The Belief Repair System functions like the In-N-Out “secret menu” — that kind of secret that everyone can’t wait to share.

Strategic invitations to
“Choose the Wilderness,”
travel with a few,
and land in lasting connection.

All throughout Scripture, the Wilderness is the place people encounter God and are formed into something new. Usually people wander, stumble, or crash their way in—but Jesus courageously chooses it.

Drawing on that narrative force, people are invited to “Choose the Wilderness” like Jesus did, intentionally exposing and repairing their Corrupted Beliefs using the 6-step process taught by the Done with Stuck Roadmap (learn about the Roadmap here).

The Roadmap helps people pinpoint how life and sin have pushed their hearts out of alignment with the Kingdom, and begin healing that damage so they can live as the new creations they are.

And it goes beyond just healing past damage. When we face our pain head on and meet God there, an anti-fragile faith begins to form: a faith that’s made more resilient with every trial and more courageous than ever.

Strategic invitations to
“Choose the Wilderness,”
travel with a few,
and land in lasting connection.

A micro-group mentorship model allows one trained Wilderness Guide to lead 2-4 people at a time through the Roadmap experience.

With fewer schedules to coordinate and a relatively short 7-session commitment, people have access all year long.

Horizontal support and accountability is less draining than one-on-one pastoral care and creates long term relationships that lead to better outcomes.

Guides are trained to value curiosity, patience, discernment, and courage—and equipped with skills that make them shockingly effective.

Strategic invitations to
“Choose the Wilderness,”
travel with a few,
and land in lasting connection.

Programs too often fall short of the real goal: secure long term connection to the body of Christ. That’s why Wilderness Guides are trained to usher everyone to whatever the mainstream of connection is at your church.

We call it the Concierge Effect—your existing engagement pathway becomes powered by trust and influence.

With corrupted beliefs repaired and core principles learned, people see compounding healing and growth that becomes transformational.

Simply automated follow-up systems enable continued mentorship and help prepare every participant as a brand new Scout.


  • Systems are interacting mechanisms working together in harmony. This is mixture of programs, protocols, processes, and more that are always running — not just in “launch season.”

  • One of the primary goals of someone’s Done with Stuck experience is “landing in lasting connection.” The hope is that this makes the existing ministries stronger. It’s not competing for announcement time, building space, or importance. It’s “as needed” and ready to deploy when other things aren’t. It’s like the bridge gapper — and, if you can repair and change people’s corrupted beliefs, they’ll bring a much healthier self to your other ministries as well.

  • We love data because we love people! We’ve got a whole set of suggestions for how to track all this and oversee it effectively, including wonderful tools that you can consider using. Overall, it’ll be up to you (with help, of course!) based on your staff culture, current tech stack, and needs.

  • This whole project has been a long time in the making! Drawing from the work of forerunners like Michael Dye and The Genesis Process, Dr. Caroline Leaf and the Neurocycle, and so many researchers and authors, we set out to pull together all that information and personal ministry experience into something that was uniquely, clearly, and distinctly built for the church.

Programs are always starting and stopping, but systems are designed to keep themselves running.

That’s why we’ve got a clearly defined installation process that get the system up and running (and running and running…).

Here’s what installation looks like:

  • No one leads others where they haven’t gone themselves. First, we will personally lead your initial Wilderness Guides through a Roadmap experience (accelerated 2-day, 6-week sprint, or cross-church staff groups).

  • Before we bring anyone through, we’ll do some work defining and fine-tuning existing on-ramps to the mainstream of connection at your church so Guides are ready to utilize them.

    We’ll also spend some time building a tracking system and dashboard that helps you evaluate your Repair System’s effectiveness as it runs.

  • We’ll train those initial Wilderness Guides to lead others through the Roadmap, equipping them with powerful skills to make them more effective than ever.

  • We’ll begin working our way through pockets of influencers like staff, team leaders, and group leaders in this initial round.

    They’ll be equipped to recognize opportune moments, invite without obligation, make a compelling pitch, ask powerful self-discovery questions, and become courageously vulnerable with their own story.

  • These crucial systems keep you connected to your Guides and your Guides connected to those they lead through the Roadmap.

  • Before the system is working in “real time,” we’ll be able to work our way backwards with a few “Opportune Moments” in mind—recently baptized, new leaders, recent recipients of pastoral care, and anyone in an support group.

    Then you’re ready to initiate the system in “real time”, turning loose your brand new Scouts and Guides.

  • With your normal leadership development pipeline in mind, we’ll standardize the process of raising up new Guides and widening the reach of your Repair System.

We’re searching for courageous, innovative churches who are ready for something new.

If you’re tired of people self-sabotaging their spiritual growth, and you’re ready for something that’s built for organic and explosive growth, let’s work together.