We’re excited to help you keep your momentum and get clarity on what happens next!

Your Group Coaching meetings:

Wed, May 4, 8:15 - 9:30p CDT
Wed, May 11, 8:15 - 9:30p CDT
Wed, May 18, 8:15 - 9:30p CDT

Expectations and Disclaimers

  • Just as a reminder, we’re not counselors and we’re not providing mental health counseling.
    We are guides who want to help you further understand and internalize the content we teach and make sure you’re applying it appropriately. If we feel it’s appropriate, we’ll absolutely encourage you to find professional medical/psychological help.

  • Come prepared to meetings so we get the most out of our time together!
    Before your first meeting, make sure you complete the steps below. Because you’re sharing time with others, we’ll make sure to stay on track. Your sharing time in a meeting is for reporting, and then answering questions we ask. We’ll save some of our responses/suggestions after the meeting via email in order to maximize time as well.

Before our first meeting…

Fill out the Primer feedback survey →

Clarify what your top priority is for us to work on together

Get something to write on - you’ll want to take notes on what you’re doing next!