The Kingdom of God
is built through people -
not programs.

Trauma-informed discipleship will make the Church
more effective than ever in our messy modern world.

The world has changed drastically,

and people’s needs have too.

Mental health is crumbling en masse.
Political and social tensions are higher than ever.
The Church has lost its place of trustworthy influence.

The family of God is messy - and it always has been.
But now more than ever, churches aren’t seeing the transformation they’re promising.

The trend right now is to outsource growth to programs and professionals.

But it’s a strategy that always comes up short and leave people wanting.

❌ They never run often enough.

❌ Managing supply & demand is a nightmare.

❌ Programs always end before the work is done.

We need a new discipleship framework that raises up people instead of outsourcing to programs.

People who can patiently look past someone’s mess and choose to lean in.

People who can gently guide others toward the root cause of their struggles without doing the work for them.

People who can help others change their beliefs at the heart level - not just the bad behaviors.

Just like Jesus did.

Our trauma-informed discipleship framework is like a modern translation of Jesus’ discipleship methodology.

We will help the Church raise up staff and volunteer leaders who make whatever they’re already doing more effective.

Every local church needs resilient and adaptable leaders who can serve
anyone. anywhere. anytime.

The Bible has always said our problems always start in the heart - and modern brain science paired with the best of psychological research have helped us see that the Bible was even more right than we knew.

In the past, the word trauma has been reserved for devastating events like abuse, accidents, violence, or infidelity; the stereotypical solider returning from war with horrific images seared into his memory.

But trauma simply describes the damage done - not the way it happens.

Trauma describes the way that our bodies, minds, and hearts carry the unresolved pain of the past.

Hearing damaging messages from the ones we love - that counts as trauma.

Seeing your shortcomings met with mocking, anger, or apathy - that counts as trauma.

Never understanding why a parent left or never showed up - that counts as trauma.

Whether we realize it or not, what we do now is driven by what happened to us then.

Widening the definition of trauma like this may sound dangerous…

Does everyone just want to be special?

Are they just looking for a way out from taking some responsibility or doing hard things?

I believe it’s the opposite, actually.

If we can’t honestly name what’s happened to us, we can’t decide where to go next.

What goes unnamed stays unhealed.
And what goes unhealed stays in control.

If trauma is an all-purpose concept that helps us understand how humans carry pain, then it also must come with an all-purpose toolkit to repair that damage.

Our trauma-informed discipleship framework maps is built on the biblical understanding of change: God’s design for spiritual growth.

But it also translates those biblical truths from an ancient, foreign culture into a language we can more easily grasp.

Understanding the way we carry pain is like the ultimate pastoral care hack.

When we can more precisely understand how God wired us, we can see more clearly how we’ve been corrupted by sin and pain; and more importantly, we can see a path toward renewing our minds.

Trauma-informed leaders will become more capable of delivering the good news of Jesus, and the very presence of God Himself, to the most sacred, guarded places inside people’s hearts.

(and, they’ll do it wherever they go…
not just on Tuesday nights from 6-7:30)

Local churches need help now more than ever—
and we’re prepared to bring it to them.

Training for Everyone

Customizable, interactive training designed for staff, small group leaders, children’s ministries, and everyone throughout a church

get a sneak peak →

Pastor Care

Cohorts and retreats that go beyond self-care or professional development, creating space for honest and courageous healing

check out Pastor Cohorts →

Communication Review

Extensive reviews of a church’s materials, teaching, programs, and websites through a trauma-informed lens

request more info →

Experiential Resources

Innovative trauma-informed experiences for small groups, baptisms, mentors, and pastoral care

get a sneak peak →

We’re on a mission to mainstream this framework so more churches can get on board.

We’re looking for a small group of pioneer churches, kingdom-minded donors, or ambitious galvanizers who have a vision for churches that can
repair the most damaged hearts,
restore the hope of those without any,
and reengage a lost and hurting world.

This founding team will make it possible to
refine our resources with expert help,
pre-fund implementation for churches in need,
and scale our systems and team.

Will you be a part of our pioneer team?