Have a brand new ministry by your next key season.

If you keep working IN your ministry but never ON it, the wheels will eventually fall off. But after an 8-hour Wonder Session led by a trained facilitator, your team will have a brand new vision and the motivation to bring it to life.

If anything could be described as a daily grind, it’s ministry. You’re in the trenches day after day shepherding, caring, mediating, writing, meeting, planning, connecting… the list goes on.

And when you spend all your time putting out fires or “putting out the paper,” your team can lose touch with the vision that was driving them. Even the strongest of visions doesn’t stick for long—it needs to be reanimated by new goals, systems, and action plans for every new season.

You may have been head-down IN your ministry for so long, you’ve forgotten to ask some important questions:

😮‍💨 Are we all grinding in the same direction?

😳 Is all this work actually working?

😖 If we succeed, will we actually like the results?

😑 Does our church really know what we want them to do?

It’s time to get out of the weeds and

get perspective from 30,000 feet

And in an 8-hour Wonder Session, we won’t stop there.

Recognize the Stories
that are driving, haunting, or compelling you

Decide on Objective Metrics
that you’re aiming for and measuring against

Uncover the Hopes and Needs
of the people you serve

Create Powerful Alignment
that leads to substantial progress in less time

This process works for any type of ministry, project or team — whether it’s new, stagnant, or dead in the water.

A bit about Tommy

Here’s the big idea:

8 hours of

focused collaborative work

will get you way further than

8 months of

sporadic meetings, trial & error, & quick fixes